The Grand Dictionary of Zekaiseivarsei Wiki


from the root *kli "strength, maturity, control (over oneself)"


  1. (colloquial) possessing integrity and strength of character; socially or romantically appealing to others primarily because of one's moral character; respectable, dignified, inwardly beautiful
    • efi ar buwal ba ar klie; klie bukai. There are good-looking people and respectable people; I favor the respectable people.

Notes on culture[]

In Zekaisi culture, there are two words for beauty, klie and buwal. Klie means "possessing integrity and strength of character, inwardly beautiful" while buwal means "sensually appealing, attractive". Klie, "inner beauty", is valued to such a high extent that it is considered an insult to call a person buwal, as if he/she possesses no inner beauty and is thus appealing only to the senses.
